Reduce VHDX file size
Reducing the size of a VHDX (does not change the size of the virtual drive, just compresses the virtual disk file to only use the space it needs on the host computer):
In an admin powershell prompt: Optimize-VHD ‘P:\FullPath\VirtualDisk.vhdx’ -Mode Full
Docker-compose.yml for self-hosted Monica on m1
version: "3.4" services: app: image: monica:apache depends_on: - db ports: - 8080:80 environment: - DB_HOST=db - DB_USERNAME=monica - DB_PASSWORD=supersecret volumes: - data:/var/www/html/storage restart: always db: image: mariadb:latest environment: - MARIADB_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD=true - MARIADB_DATABASE=monica - MARIADB_USER=monica - MARIADB_PASSWORD=supersecret volumes: - /Users/yourUserName/workspace/monica-docker/mysql:/var/lib/mysql restart: always volumes: data: name: data mysql: name: mysql
XCode Error: Failed to produce diagnostic for expression; please file a bug report
XCode Error: Failed to produce diagnostic for expression; please file a bug report
In our case, we were calling an extension function on an array in a viewmodel. In a SwiftUI view we were doing Text(viewModel.someArray.extensionFunction()). The problem was that I had renamed someArray to someBetterNamedArray and it couldn’t handle it.
NPM - setting global install location
mkdir ~/.npm-global
npm config set prefix '~/.npm-global'
Add to shell script:
export PATH=~/.npm-global/bin:$PATH
Moving Homebrew from x86 to ARM on M1
Uninstall x86 version (maybe in x86 terminal?):
/bin/bash -c “$(curl -fsSL raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/…)”
I also had to force remove a directory by running:
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/Homebrew
Make sure you move to an ARM terminal at this point if you haven’t already, then run the normal Homebrew install script.
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